
Capuchin, member of Order Of Friars Minor Capuchin (O.F.M.Cap.), an autonomous branch of the Franciscan order of religious men, begun as a reform movement in 1525 by Matteo da Bascio, who wanted to return to a literal observance of the rule of St. Francis of Assisi and to introduce elements of the solitary life of hermits. Matteo was concerned that the habit, or religious uniform, worn by the Franciscans was not one that St. Francis had worn; accordingly he made himself a pointed hood (Italian capuccino, from which the order takes its name), allowed his beard to grow, and went about barefooted. Matteo was soon joined by others. Their life was one of extreme austerity, simplicity, and poverty; and, though this has been to some extent mitigated, the order remains very strict. The Capuchins had a rough passage through the 16th century. They were harassed by the established groups of Franciscans and forbidden by the pope to extend outside of Italy. The defection to Protestantism of their vicar-general, Bernardino Ochino, in 1542 all but ruined them. Nevertheless, they increased rapidly and by 1571 numbered 17,000 members. They played almost as important a part as that of the Jesuits in the later stages of the Counter-Reformation, appealing especially to the common and country people. They were allowed to expand freely from 1574 and, in 1619, were constituted into an independent order. They reached a maximum of 34,000 members in the middle of the 18th century but suffered a decline during the French Revolution. The Capuchins were noted for their heroic ministry during the dreadful epidemics that plagued Europe and elsewhere from the 16th to the 18th century. They have been actively engaged in missionary and social work.