In the Judeo-Christian Islamic tradition of monotheism (believe in one god) the religions are Christianity, Judaism and Islam. For them, Prophets are men specially elected by God to be His messengers.
For the three different religions, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Mohammed, among others, were prophets and they have a strong relationship with Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
Algunas Discrepancias entre Iglesias Cristianas; Diferentes opiniones; otras versiones; otros analisis de la historia, origen y significado de los hechos, las Escrituras, los sacramentos, etc.
Jesus Decoded (Site with some responses to The Da Vinci Code, May 2006)
Western Churches
The claim of the Roman Catholic Church, to be the one legitimate continuation of the community established by Jesus Christ, is based on apostolic succession.
Francis Xavier (1506-1552)
¿Biblia Catolica vs. Biblia "Protestante"? En el Antiguo Testamento los protestantes sólo admiten como libros sagrados los 39 libros del canon hebreo. El primero que negó la canonicidad de los siete deuterocanónicos fue Carlostadio (1520), seguido de Lutero (1534) y luego Calvino (1540).
Other Catholic Churches (Based in the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, promulgated by Pope John Paul II on October 18, 1990). Oriental churches in union with Rome (Eastern Catholics) are recognized as in full apostolic succession. Index:
Protestantism Regarding full apostolic succession: Luther and Calvin saw clearly that their position could not be maintained if apostolic succession were necessary; they therefore affirmed that apostolic succession had been lost in the Roman Church by doctrinal and moral corruption and that the true church was found only where the gospel was rightly preached and the sacraments were rightly administered. Thus, Protestant churches generally have not accepted the necessity of apostolic succession. The Protestant churches are not recognized by Rome, and the entire threefold quality of apostolic succession is denied to them.
Eastern Churches
Orthodox Catholic Church The Roman Catholic Church has not entirely denied apostolic succession to non-Roman churches. Rome recognizes the validity of orders in the Orthodox churches; this means that it recognizes the sacramental power of the priesthood but does not recognize the government of these churches as legitimate.
For all or some religions:
Salvation (for the five main religions and in Ancient Egypt).
The other two important religions in the world are
Other independent Religions. Sects? Cults? Dogmas?
Otras religiones independientes. ¿Sectas? ¿Dogmas?
La Santa Biblia (Antigua Versión de Casidoro de Reina (1569) Revisada por Cipriano de Valera (1602) Otras revisiones: 1862, 1909, 1960.
Religiones en China
Religions in China
Metareligion (Web site with articles, history, notes, etc. about World religions)
Metareligion (sitio con articulos, historia, opiniones, etc. de las direrentes religiones del mundo)